Later, I took Annabelle to her Well Child Check and the doctor told me she is teething. Okay, now everything makes sense. The low grade temp, the major drool, and all that fussiness was for a reason.
Here's a picture of us at the doctor's office. Ellie stayed with Grandma Shar.
Anna weighs 14lb 3oz now and is super tall (26 inches).
It's been a hard past few days. Ellie is going to need to go back to Children's because her bowel issue isn't resolving so Ellie was crying a lot today. Also, Annabelle has been little miss fussy pants with her teething and to top it off I got a lovely migraine.
So I cheated.
I had a big bowl of rocky road ice cream. Was it worth it? Not so much. I'm disappointed, but I am just going to get back on the wagon.
I went to Fred Meyer tonight to get a little break. I came across a book and almost burst into tears. Its called:
That's exactly how I been feeling lately...drained. This book is by the president of the Proverb 31 Ministries. I'll let you know if it's good.
Tomorrow's a new day. :) Time for bed.